
WP7 copy and paste limitations detailed

It's not a secret that copy/paste is coming to WP7. However there is one of the most important questions that remain to be opened, how it works and what are its limitations. Lots of debate that had circled this area far from true, I would like to tell you that it'll certainly work with third party applications both copying & pasting. 
Nevertheless there are some limitations, which were described by Chris Walsh of ChevronWP7 who of course received some hands on practice with the OS update. They are following: "...copy and paste is ONLY supported on the textbox control in 3rd party apps. When I say supported, I'm talking about the OS automagically recognizing the input control and giving the user the fancy text selection picker with a "copy" button" but "...certain apps don't actually use the textbox to render read-only text. For example, the Twitter for Windows Phone app, when you've clicked on a tweet to either view it or click on a link, the text isn"t rendered in a TextBox control. Unfortunately you're not going to get copy & paste there. The simple fix is to change to a textbox control for scenarios where a user might need to copy some text into the clipboard but it requires some effort from application developers"

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