
Apple Add App Store Subscription Fee

Apple has made a significant update to the way its App  Store works by introducing a new subscription service.
Previously, Apple didn’t take commission on recurring subscriptions but now they will take a 30 per cent share.  However, this only takes place when Apple brings a new subscriber through its iTunes store. If the publisher brings the subscription then Apple will receive nothing. 

Apple is requiring that all publishers make the same “subscription” offer that is available on their site on the iTunes store. If an offer on the publisher site differs from or is omitted from the Apple store then the company will take action with the developer’s product being removed.

Apple has made the subscription process very efficient with one-click you can buy a subscription and choose the length of that subscription. Additionally, all subscriptions can be managed and cancelled in one place.

The publishers are bound to be opposed to this new change, but they have to ask themselves if they would sell any subscriptions without iTunes. However, for a newspaper like "The Times" this new change could lead to a significant loss of revenue from people who go straight to the iTunes store , instead of the publisher site, to download the app.

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