
Motorola Atrix 4G Review

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Okay guys, you read for our Motorola ATrix 4G review? Here at CPT, we have been waiting and waiting to test out the Atrix. The Atrix is no ordinary phone indeed. This amazing smartphone is completely unique, from being a phone to a “laptop” (with the laptop dock of course) or switching over to the desktop dock – this phone really has it all. It is so much more than just a smartphone, sporting a dual-core-CPU device, the Atrix takes on the duty as a laptop, deskop and even a set top box. This four incher takes on HSPA+ data, 960×540, and of course it’s Webtop ability. Seeing through this powerful phone is it actually quite a beauty. Ever since I laid my eyes on this smartphone at CES 2011, I could not wait to get to review it hands on for a few days. Boasting with 4G support, a shining 4 inch display, front facing camera and a video calls over WiFi, that alone just be enough to have a good smartphone. But when you throw in the laptop dock and software that allowes you to take your Atrix to a more PC like Atrix, that is what you simply call an awesome smartphone. The laptop dock is definitely big brownie points for Motorola. The Motorola Atrix 4G is expected to ship on March 6 or sooner. For $199.99 on contract, you can say that the Atrix is simply irrestible. So lets dive on into our review.

The hardware of the Atrix is one of our favorite things about the phone, and surprisingly you will find that this has nothong to do with the common smartphone design. The feel of the phone is is comfortable and sturdy. It’s hardware is durable and doesn’t feel like plastic at all. It feels much more on the metal side, weighing in at 4.8 ounces, this phone is not light as a feather as we’d like to be but at the same time it gives us something to get a grip on. Like all Android devices, the typical four buttons are on the bottom. To the top rear of the phone is a sleep/power button and the 3.5mm headphone port. To the left side you’ll find the Micro USB and HDMI ports and on the right side you will find the volume control. On the back there is a patterened design and a 5 MP camera with LED flash and a speak at the bottom. With the Atrix, looks aren’t all that important – it’s power that nips you in the butt. Running on a 1GHz dual core CPU, 1GB of DDR2 RAM, 16 GB of storage and even an extra 32GB card as well. This is one of the fastest Android phone I have ever laid hands on, it’s probably the only Android phone worth taking seriously. The display is absolutely breathtaking, we had no problems with the touchscreen – it was fully responsive and never missed a beat. With a single charge, we managed to get about 23 to 24 hours in total. We were absolutely impressed by the Atrix. The camera sends out shots that were grade A quality. Shooting a video on the 720p video camera was awesome, we recieved tons of HD content no matter where we went. From outside to inside we still could see crystal clear playing it all back. When sending the videos and photos, we still could see the HD quality from my iPhone 4. Making phone calls on the Motorola Atrix was abosolutely impectable. From testing outside to inside coffee shops and department stores, we found that the earpiece was loud and clear. When speaking into the Atrix, our friends said they could hear us clearly and that the background noise wasn’t even noticable. We didn’t once have to tweak the volume settings on the Atrix. AS for dropped calls, well we had experienced a single one. As for those Android techies, we are sorry to disappoint when pointing out that Gingerbread is not being featured on the Atrix. Enter sad face here. Back in the age of the dinosaurs and cavemen when Motorblur had just made it’s appearance, and some how it has amanged to be on the Atrix? But before you click exit now and have lost all hope for the Atrix let us tell you how kind of cool it is on the phone. All of the apps are up to date though, so for those of your worrying about Gmail and Maps, you are all covered.

I do believe it’s time for us to adventure into the world of docks. Ah yes, the part everyone has been waiting for. Let us start off with the laptop dock. With this accessory, you can hook up your Atrix to a laptop and continue using it with a full keyboard and screen. When you place your Atrix in the dock, it automtically opens up a mirrored view of your phone’s home screen and from there you can use it any way you please. Even send a text and download apps from Android Market. The laptop dock has two ports in the back and up to 8 hours of battery life! You can connect via WiFi or AT&T’s tethering plan. When you purchase the dock alone it goes for $499.99, but when you purchase it with the Atrix your total of both items is also $499.99. Saving money on a much needed port is a must. We do wish we could have testing the 4G speeds, but as of right now they are still working on the 4G networking. Downloading speeds were around 1.5 Mbps and when roaming around we always had either five or four bars. The funny thing is, when you compare the Atrix and many other phones from AT&T you have different numbers of bars. The pricing for the Motorola Atrix 4G stands at $199.99 on a two year contract. For the HD/desktop dock its running about $129.99 or the package that includes a keyboard and a mouse for $189.99. This ATrix is quite an expensive little phone, but the thing is, that it’s totally worth it. Trying to find fault in the Atrix was rather hard. Out of the dozens of thing we enjoyed about the Atrix, we found that there was really only three faults – the lacking Android Froyo, Motoblur, and AT&T bloatware. But to come to a conclusion, we have to say that overall we enjoyed every second with the Motorola Atrix 4G. Pushing the limits, this phone sits on the moon while all other smartphones are awaitng at the launch pad. I really think that there could have been a better skinning to the Atrix, but the phone has proved to me that it’s not about looks at all. It’s about what you ahve on the inside. We love the HD dock and the laptop dock, you see why this phone is so highly rated when you check out one of these docks for your Atrix. We are stil awaiting that highly anticipated 4G speeds and until then we are enjoying playing with our Atrix daily. Check out an Atrix at AT&T’s online store or go to a store near you and see it for yourself when it makes its debut around March 5th or 6th. If you’re intrested in getting on of these babies, tell us what you love about it! For those of you who will be waiting in line to grab yours, let me say that it is truly worth it. 

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