
Microsoft Releasing Tablet Friendly OS

Related: Concept Tablet

According to rumor, Microsoft isn't going to do the same like such companies as Apple, RIM, Motorola, and HP, which experimented with a tablet-friendly OS. The Windows Phone 7 have not yet to craft a tablet or a tablet-friendly OS. Some folks, who are familiar with the matter, say that Microsoft will not release a tablet OS until fall 2012, at same time when students go back to schools.

The same source explained that the Redmond-based company will start testing the new OS this year. We're not sure about Microsoft's success in the tablet market, if this news is true and it's not only rumor. As analyst Michael Gartenberg said untill the fall 2012 comes we will likely be witnesses of the third cycle of the iPad and  as second-gen tablets from HP and RIM, and who knows which product of Google will be on by that time. Microsoft has abilities to push out a tablet OS earlier, but if not it may be difficult to get people to notice, and to fare in the tablet market at all.

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