
U.S. Smartphone Battle Heats Up

Apple and BlackBerry ( RIM )  came out on top of the US smartphone ownership ( see below ) as reported By Nielson in their "U.S. Smartphone Battle Heats Up" report. Apple and RIM had 27% of the US market. 

This was followed by Android who have risen from 9% to nearly 23% in less tha a year.
Desirability is a different matter where Apple rules as you would expect. Neilsen report that 30% of likely smartphone upgraders would choose an iPhone, 28% would choose Android and 13% would choose BlackBerry. See the full details here.
Another fact discovered by Nielson is that most men ( 32.6% ) would choose an Android device whilst most women ( 30.9% ) the iPhone. Not a huge % but enough for Nielsen to note.

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