
Windows Phone 7 Update Coming In January

Windows Phone 7 seems to have been a huge success so far for Microsoft with a lot of manufacturers adopting the OS , good coverage in the media and an excellent consumer response so Microsoft are apparently pushing out the first update for Windows Phone 7 devices sometime in January 2011 with is said to be “massive.”

However, things always have to be improved and we've heard  that Windows Phone 7 will be updated in January.

According to an article over on Techradar, and by way of WPCentral, the update will include numerous new features including multitasking support, custom  ringtones, turn by turn navigation in Bing Maps and the biggie, copy and paste.

Having said that in today’s mobile tech world it shouldn’t be that difficult to deliver such things as multitasking and copy and paste to any smartphone platform. Still January isn’t that far off before we find out exactly what the WP7 update will actually deliver and no doubt more will leak out beforehand.

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